.. is one where I'm creating and sustaining amazingly positive changes in myself, other people and the environment around me.
I believe this is possible by staying true to my values of nature, balance and mindfulness.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Healthy Aging - Quality vs Quantity

I went to an informative and thought provoking seminar yesterday on the topic of healthy aging. Two key aspects stood out for me
1) the common factors found across those parts of the world which have the healthiest and happiest senior citizens.
2) the use of Resveratrol, a compound extracted from the herb Polygonum, as a 'magic bullet' to reduce the adverse effects of our modern Western diet and lifestyle.

Dan Buettner, in his book 'The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who've Lived Longest' (National Geographic, 2009) examines the Blue Zones where the greatest proportion of 90 year old plus people living free from chronic disease live. Okinawa, Sardinia, Costa Rica and Loma Lida were the regions studied and the reseach found nine common factors which Buettner attributes to the outstanding health of the local people. The nine factors are as follows..

1) Move (find ways to move mindlessly, make moving unavoidable, moving should be done at low intensity for long periods)

2) Plan de Vida (know your purpose in life)

3) Down Shift (work less, slow down, rest, take vacation)

4) 80% Rule (stop eating when you're 80% full)

5) Plant-Power (more veggies, less protein and processed foods)

6) Red Wine (consistency and moderation)

7)Belong (create a healthy social network)

8) Beliefs (spiritual or religious participation)

9) Your Tribe (make family a priority)

It's not only the extensive research that makes me think these health tips are valuable, what little common sense I might have is also nodding it's head vigorously. Of course the trick with these recommendations is to actually incorporate them into your daily life. The Blue Zones website has a whole section that aims to help you do exactly that. Go to www.bluezones.com and check out Blogs and/or Community.

Most people I talk with want quality of life rather than quantity but according to Buettner's research quality goes hand in hand with quantity, that is by being healthy and happy you get better quality and quantity. I'll drink (red wine in moderation) to that!

Resveratrol (an extract from Polygonum cuspidatum) could be the magic wonder herb for preventing and moderating the chronic diseases that result from our modern Western diet and lifestyle. Diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, dementia, heart disease, cancer and chronic inflammatory diseases can all be reduced with Resveratrol according to seven different peer reviewed clinical trials in well respected orthodox science journals. Ten more research projects are currently underway. The effects of Resveratrol are not quite as good as improving your diet and lifestyle but for those unable or unwilling to change it seems as though there may be an answer! Maybe there is a God after all :)

Happy aging,

Update- today's Sydney Morning Herald (18.11.10)has an article on the Professor who has pioneered the use of Resveratrol. It contains a nice quote about how some consider it a pill for the disease of 'contemporary slothfulness'!
See http://m.smh.com.au/lifestyle/wellbeing/forget-the-fountain-of-youth-x2026-pop-a-pill-for-a-long-and-healthy-life-20101117-17xpr.html